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But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, to redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons (Gal. 4. 4-5). This is the event, awaited down through all eternity, the saving appearance on this earth of God Himself made flesh, that we today celebrate. An event not only historical, but first of all spiritual and mystical, having a unique and absolute significance, both universal and eternal, a turning point not just in the history of humanity, but in the the history of all creation. By His ineffable and inscrutable providence and love the pre-eternal Son of God descends from heaven and for our salvation becomes incarnate in the womb of the most pure Virgin. Without ceasing to be perfect God He becomes perfect man. All creation rejoices and celebrates God's coming and abiding upon this earth, for this means the renewal of not just the human race, but of the whole of creation, visible and invisible. The newly born Divine Infant calls us all to be partakers of this great mystery and draw from it grace and salvation. He calls us to receive Him in the spiritual manger of our soul. He calls us to follow Him on His path of salvation, the path of humility, the path of love, the path of patience and suffering, which He Himself trod, and by which He will lead us to His heavenly kingdom, of which I can only wish you all, my dear flock, to be partakers! Christ is born! Glorify Him! John,